Women's Brunch in July


SUNDAY - 9:45 AM Sunday School & 11:00 AM Worship Service | WEDNESDAY - 6:00 PM Snack Supper for all; 6:30 PM Bible Study Groups

by: Office Staff



What a wonderful time of fellowship we had at our monthly Women's Brunch! After our brunch, we listened to a devotion from Sharla about proven methods of studying the Scriptures. Our craft was assembling ball point pens with beads and other decorative items. Our next brunch is August 10.

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What a wonderful time of fellowship we had at our monthly Women's Brunch! After our brunch, we listened to a devotion from Sharla about proven methods of studying the Scriptures. Our craft was assembling ball point pens with beads and other decorative items. Our next brunch is August 10.

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