Children's Ministry


SUNDAY - 9:45 AM Sunday School & 11:00 AM Worship Service | WEDNESDAY - 6:00 PM Snack Supper for all; 6:30 PM Bible Study Groups

2024 VBS Registration

Welcome to our Vacation Bible School info page!
Thank you for your interest in VBS at Bono.

VBS is July 12-14 @ 6-8:30pm for children ages 5-11.

Want to get your child(ren) registered?
Please complete this form and we will send you the registration link.

Thank you!


Children's Ministry - Overview

Children age 5 through 5th Grade will receive real spiritual training from a group of caring leaders during their time at Bono.

Throughout the year, the children enjoy Sunday morning Bible study, children's church, and Wednesday evening activities.
We routinely have fun, special events and often find ways to serve those in need.

Scroll down for updates on children's activities.

Children on Wednesdays

Children's Group - Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

For children ages 5 - 5th Grade


Snack supper at 6:00 PM in the gym

Bible study  6:30-7:45 p.m. in THE ARK

Children and their families are welcome to join us together for our all-church snack supper at 6pm, then we have classes for all ages. Join us for food, fellowship, Bible and prayer! All are welcome every Wednesday.



Bible Lesson



questions? Contact us!