Our God is Able


SUNDAY - 9:45 AM Sunday School & 11:00 AM Worship Service | WEDNESDAY - 6:00 PM Snack Supper for all; 6:30 PM Bible Study Groups

Jul. 28, 2024

Paul's Petition

  1. POWER - Our God has riches and power.
  2. DEEPER WALK - Paul is asking for a deeper walk - Deeper devotion to Christ not for himself, but for the Ephesian church.
    1. Dwell - Paul is praying for Christ to dwell in their hearts - the quality of relationship.
    2. Rooted - Paul is praying for them to be rooted and grounded in love.
    3. Grounded - The roots of a tree are bigger than the tree itself. So is a grounded believer in Christ.
  3. COMPREHEND - To understand; to apprehend or take hold of something
  4. FULLNESS OF GOD - Paul asks for all of the above so that they may be filled with the fullness of God.

Finale of Praise: OUR GOD IS ABLE!!